You’re invited…

Dear Coach2Edify affiliates, I am excited and honored that Mayra and Janice have welcomed me to share my insights and invite you on a journey to discover…

why YOU are
your ultimate relationship

Thursday, February 12th, 2015
6:30 pm
23231 Gonzales Dr.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Meet author Ron Levy in person.

Reserve your seat now!

What do I mean by “you are your ultimate relationship”

Ron LevyHello. My name is Ron Levy, and I am thrilled to have this opportunity to share with you some KEY PRINCIPLES that continually empower my clients and my seminar participants, day after day, week after week, year after year… allowing them to travel a path that builds a most joyous life, free of conflict and filled with beauty.

Throughout my life, I’ve been aware of some simple principles and skills that when practiced have given me an extraordinary experience in every aspect of my life. I’ve been teaching these principles and skills, which I call “The Inner Alignment Method,” for over thirty years. I just recently shared them in my new book, Why YOU Are Your Ultimate Relationship, which includes real stories of healing, recovery, growth, freedom and happiness.

Sure, I’d love for you to go to Amazon and pick up a copy of Why YOU Are Your Ultimate Relationship… And here’s an even better idea: let me show you in person how to begin to develop a profound relationship with yourself—the key to all your other relationships. Come to my free mini-seminar and let me explain it to you live! (And if you sign up for my full day seminar, you will receive a FREE copy of my book and a beautiful I AM meditative art piece!)

In this interactive mini-seminar I will teach you a simple technique that will empower you to…

♥ Free yourself from holding on to negative reactions to conflicts with the people in your life

♥ Increase your ability to maintain emotional and mental well-being

♥ Live in comfort and confidence in day-to-day interactions

♥ Experience greater fulfillment and joy in your personal, social, and business relationships

 Take this powerful technique with you and apply it immediately!


Find what you really want by discovering what you already have with I AM—the Inner Alignment Method!

I began developing this method over 30 years ago, and continue to teach it to individuals, couples and seminar participants as a licensed psychotherapist and seminar leader. You will have a transformational experience of this powerful method when you read my book Why YOU Are Your Ultimate Relationship, available on AND, at our intimate gathering, I’ll personally take you through the first simple and effective step to  transform your life. I look forward to being with you!

Join me Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
Save yourself a seat and bring a guest!

This is what people have been saying about Ron Levy and the Inner Alignment Method…
“Ron Levy has a natural and intuitive understanding of the dynamics of the human psyche and soul – and insight into the deep yearning within us all to become whole.”

Judith Diana Winston
Santa Monica, CA

“Ron Levy’s unique methods helped me discover how to deal with my daily stress and reactive anger and have made a tremendous difference in my quality of life.”

Alex Dorfman
Littleton, CO

“Ron Levy’s seminars have had a huge impact on my life. I don’t judge myself or others as much, and I express myself authentically while maintaining my sense of power and effectiveness.”

Nancy Marriott
Santa Barbara, CA

“As a psychologist, I have the highest respect for Ron Levy, both as a person and for the therapeutic method he has developed. I have personally explored many therapeutic modalities, and none have come close to matching the results of Ron’s gentle yet powerful work. Ron truly helps people get ever closer to living the life they are meant to live.”

Vickie Bachus Bert, PhD, Psychologist
Westlake Village, CA

“I am grateful to you, Ron, for your sophisticated yet simple methods that have supported faster progress and greater results than I’ve gotten from anyone I’ve ever learned from or worked with.”

Rush White
West Hills, CA

“This authentic, warm, and loving book is valuable to me as a psychologist… it offers an enhanced way of life by becoming comfortable with ‘not knowing,’ freeing us from clinging to any one perspective and allowing us to greet new ideas with interest and enthusiasm. I recommend this book highly for those seeking to enrich their lives.”

Rie Rogers Mitchell, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.
Professor Emeritus
California State University, Northridge
Past-President, International Society for Sandplay Therapy

Mayra and Janice invite you to join them to discover…

why YOU are
your ultimate relationship

Thursday, February 12th, 2015
6:30 pm
23231 Gonzales Dr.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

This 30-40 minute empowering mini-seminar is FREE.

Reserve your seat now…

I look forward to meeting you! If you have any questions, please email me at, and please write “Free mini-seminar” in the subject line.



Ron Levy, MS, LMFT

PS Don’t forget to check your email after you sign up. You’ll have to confirm to reserve your seat. See you there!

Can’t make it?
If you cannot attend my free seminar on February 12, I’ll be glad to let you know where I’ll be speaking again. Put your name on my email list here. I’ll also send you some enlightening words from time to time.

Want to see my new book? You can sample several pages here.

YUR Your Ultimate Relationship  at Amazon




Buy now!




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